Throwing out the trash


I think it’s safe to say my old website belonged in 2008. Sadly, it stayed there for too long.







While it’s terribly easy to say I have tons of new stuff to post and brag and barf on about – the truth is I just wanted to nuke the site from orbit as one of my favorite movie quotes goes.

In just a few days I want to see how far I can get into making this website finally start doing some work for me and maybe even for some of you.

In the time this space has been idle I have let other internet tools become the front facing part of “me” – facebook, twitter, DeviantArt et al – all of them seemed to make the website feel inadequate to the task of representing the work. Better galleries, tons of users to connect to – didn’t someone already say blogging is dead?

Well, I don’t think it has to be. While some of the content that ends up here might be reverberated to other places, I feel like I have spent enough time on other people’s platforms, and should really start pampering my own.


Thanks for stopping by, and please link, add, signup and hang around. I promise there will be more.



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