I promise this will make sense eventually.
There are plenty of people who have posted tons of finishing, painting and polishing tutorials online for 3d printing.
And yeah – DINOVEMBER!
If you are like me, and basically trying to make things work with whatever you have lying around the house (face it – like me you likely already spent too much money on the printer).
Some vital stuff I have never owned before but now keep handy are a dremel and soldering kit.
And you might not be a guitar player, but I am. When you see a tutorial online telling you to get “piano wire” for clearing clogs and you don’t have a piano you want to mutilate, use a guitar string. Specifically the G String. There are jokes there but I’m too tired.
Chances are if you rock up to a music store and ask for piano wire, they might make a suggestion or two but remember to check the size of your extruder (the piano wire is used heated to help unclog certain extruders).
Even guitar strings usually have the dimensions in millimeters labelled so you can tell what gauge of guitar string will work.