Finding a pace to finish everything on Encoding Bushido has been kind of mixed bag. I set up a decent schedule to work daily for at least 1-2 hours per night, nearly a full 8 on weekends and made one of those internet-guru sounding life-hack discoveries.

I had optimized my work habits within that time frame so well, it was mentally difficult to work at any other time of day. Call it the power of habit, wait – that’s taken. Crap. Just kidding.
But it was a problem like any other in trying to finish a project while also working a full time job. Interesting first world problem to have, eh? Call it the Angelino Crisis – everyone here has a side hustle, as a matter of fact, maybe I should have called this blog the same but it sounds too much like a dance move.
When it comes to being prolific, I don’t make any hard claims. I don’t feel particularly prolific but I know I have produced more pages this year than at any other year before of comics work. So when added to the work I’ve been doing in visual effects it REALLY starts to sound like a lot. The producer on the last few shows I worked on said that the company finalled over 500 shots between the three shows we had been working on in the same time period. I touched probably a good third of those shots myself.
The numbers sound like ego puffery, but to be honest I just wanted them to get some perspective on the real goal – to finish Encoding Bushido before a certain deadline. Seven issues doesn’t sound as daunting when I’ve already started issue 3, mostly because the last few years have been single issue years for me. From 2014-17, I had only been able to final one full color issue of anything.
I wanted to change that having been seriously disappointed with the performance of Pages of Eight the last two shows I worked. I put an enormous amount of work into those issues, which really ended up as expensive practice for the latest book.
So, before the end of summer there are details to wrap up but issue 2 should be well into colors and issue 3 should have complete layouts.
Thanks for watching!