Sister Marda Tsai

I went to a catholic junior high school and took sumi painting from Sister Marda.

She could be very tough in class but joked with me one day after critiquing one of my studies “are you sure you’re not Chinese?” Followed by a big laugh.

The kids used to joke about her all the time. They didn’t like that she forced you to hold up your work, and take your crit on the chin. That was the first time I ever did that with my work – hold it up in front of the class.

I used to get literally KICKED because of it. Not because it was bad. But because other kids didn’t care. I hear tons of stuff about kids getting beat down in life into some less creative versions of their preschool selves. We were no angels by junior high.

Sister Marda ran a tight ship, no one was ever allowed into then storage room. My friend and fellow artist Ji Jae Sang were the first to be allowed to get supplies directly from this room.

Hanging in an honored portion of this thin back room/studio was a ceremonial Chinese sword. It was ornate, clean and SHARP. Imagine a 40 odd year old NUN wielding a deadly Chinese BLADE. Likely wouldn’t be allowed today.

I can’t tell you what her guidance meant to me, but I am showing you. Every chance I get.

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